Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bright Wholeness



When I'm feeling blue, or down on myself, "doing art" lifts me up again. Looking at, and working with, bright colors cheers me up. When I dislike my own brokenness -- all those little bits and pieces of what seem like inner clutter -- give me reason to make a choice to REMEMBER. It's the broken persons whom Jesus came to save, not the ones who are already perfect (not that there really are any!). It's the "sick who are in need of a physician." It's those who confess their weakness and admit they need the Savior's help, that are given bright wholeness in Him.

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all."

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  1. You have hit on my daily mantra, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all." Hungry for wholeness right alongside you! ~ blessings

  2. Love how God can take our "odd bits of clutter" and create with it. Thanks for the sweet thought today.

  3. I feel the same. Sometimes I forget how beauty heals, though--how creating helps me feel closer to God. It is a good way to remember...Thank you, my friend.

  4. collage is my art form, so i completely connect with this, and needed this reminder that God puts my pieces back together, "re-membering" my "dis-memberment", yes? i love this!


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