Monday, May 23, 2011




What is that shiny silver,
Object intangible,
Spinning toward me?

It may be a bellissimo ball
Of renewed hopefulness
To bounce away my discouragement.

It may be a mellowish moon
Of sought-after rest
To melt away my weariness.

It may be a sparkling sun
Of heaven-sent joy
To spark away my desperation.

It may be an imparted idea
Of my greatest wish come true –
To be inspired away from all faithlessness.

What is that shiny silver
Of heaven’s love tangible,
Spinning throughout me?

Copyright 2011 by Marilee Miller
You may keep a copy on your computer. Feel free to post a link, but please, no public distribution by any method, without permission. Thanks.

“We have become gifts of God that he delights in...” (Eph. 1:11 TLB)

“Delight… in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart” [to receive His Fullness!] “Commit your way to him; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” (Ps. 37:4-5)

This post is also shared with:

L. L. Barkat "Seedlings in Stone"
On, In, and Around Mondays

Laura Boggess "The Wellspring"
Playdates with God


  1. I just love this. What is that shiny silver? I think the poem speaks it well. whatever it may be, it makes me smile. :)

  2. Do thoughts have color? Perhaps it is silver and is an idea or maybe hope for the future. Could it be God's answer to your prayer spinning your way? Could be !!


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