Monday, July 1, 2013


digital art and text (c) 2013 by Marilee Miller


Praise God for our ability to have creative thoughts and actions.
Praise God for his exuberance in creating the universe,
Our earth, and its creatures.
Give him a clap-offering for his imagination and variety.
Lift up our hearts to him for making people,
Diverse in personality and traits, yet united
In being made for his delight and glory.
Praise God for making his children in the image of God himself,
And for breathing into us his bent toward imagination and reason.
Lift up our hands and voices to exult in him,
Who has made us to be artists after the manner of himself.
May we create “little things” with exuberance,
And give thought to showing forth his beauty in our lives.
In so doing, we are glorifying him;
We are pleasing him with worshipful creativity,


This post is shared with Laura Boggess, "The Wellspring"


  1. Thanks, Marilee, for sharing with us your beautiful worship of God with your creativity :) Is that a dragonfly?

  2. I am giving a clap-offering right now, Marilee! That red is glorious and reminds me of His passion for me, His passion for beauty and all His creation.

    I miss you, my friend! We must slow soon and have some prayer time. I hope you are well. I keep you in prayer.

  3. Very nice artistry, and good words. Yes, I'm amazed at how the creativity keeps coming to us humans, but we shouldn't be surprised, given the Source. Ted


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