Monday, September 20, 2010


Rambunctious Surprise.


Not just any ol’ carrots –
But the longest I’ve ever seen to buy.
Way too long for my refrigerator bin!
Rambunctious carrots!
They deserve a photo shoot.
A place setting of ordinary table utensils
Will impress the carrots’ size.

Table by the Window:

A smallish table, often standing bare;
If I place anything there,
It’s only temporarily.
Because my cat firmly believes
The table by the window belongs to her!
(But of course the table stays empty
As she spends time in other “her places”.)

And, the natural daylight streams just right,
Through the corner windows.
So here, I take advantage of the light
To pursue my photography.
Ordinary objects shine,
As do rambunctious fantasies!

So I lay out my carrots on the table,
Ready to document their rambunctious size.


And then, ah, there’s a flurry of surprise!
Rambunctious cat claims her table;
Sniffs and licks and pokes my carrot layout.
Finally decides there’s room on table
For rambunctious long carrots
And rambunctious prowling cat.
So she settles down, not rambunctiously at all.
And I take pictures all the while.

(PS. Yes, I washed the carrots well, before eating them.)

Feel free to link to this post. But please, no copying of text or photos without permission.


This post is inspired by L. L. Barkat's invitational, "On, In, and Around Monday"


  1. Totally delightful!

    I love the long, luxurious carrots. And the cat. Oh, the beautiful cat. :)

  2. Long carrots.. large cat, but lovely both.

    You might like to check out the unusual carrots that grew in our garden last year. I blogged about them here


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