Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Pattern in Lace


A piece of tossed string,
Flung onto a business mail envelope
That I’d just ripped inside-out.
This combo was to be the subject for a photo
Which might be transformed into some sort of artwork.
Alas, the photo turned out blurred!
Error, mistake – my whole idea a silly thing.

Ah, but a corner of the string
Did become a sort of “bling”.
Lace.  Who would have guessed it?
Not woven into lace by a hand or machine,
But made through graphic manipulation,
An interesting thing!

Motif, design, deco, or whimsy, or fling:
I created a piece of designy art.
God’s work in me is like that –
Intricate, wonderful, with unexpected outcome.
Do I have such a pattern in lace, in my life?
Oh, Creator of All, to you Lord God,
A tribute of joyous praise I sing.

copyright 2013 by Marilee Miller

This post is shared with Laura Boggess, The Wellspring


  1. And blessed are the eyes that see the unexpected. Visiting from playdates.

  2. Ah, yes, God's work is that in you, my friend. Such beauty laced into your person. I am so blessed to call you friend. Thank you for your encouragement these last several weeks. You are the kindest friend and I have been neglectful. Sending you love and keeping you in prayer!

  3. Beautiful--God's creation in us is like that. Wonderful. Intricate. With unexpected outcome! Oh how I've experienced that unexpected outcome--sometimes though, that's where the greatest beauty lies if I will just surrender.


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